The Next Best Thing?
A dear friend of mine passed on an article about a gentleman who is making a new reformer - the Megaformer and even is quoted as saying, “I always wanted to do Pilates, but I felt like I needed to do another workout after. I didn’t sweat.” I can boldly say that I think he needs to come and see me. I am unimpressed nor do I see the necessity in a “new” piece of equipment as the ultimate machine for fitness especially with the idea that something currently is lacking. As if the reason we are now not fit as a society is because we never had this “new” machine before. I am completely on the other side of this even though I do use machines in my daily training of clients though ultimately what I teach my clients has nothing to do with the Pilates equipment in my studio.
It is the philosophy behind the movement which creates fitness not the actual movement action itself. If you are moving properly and in the right organization then it does not matter the exercise that you are doing. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements that state such things as “This machine is the ultimate answer for 6-pack abs!” It may well have some effect on the majority of purchasers as they most likely have not been exercising in the past or daily so some improvement will be seen. However I feel that it does not matter the routine you do or the equipment you are using, it is the HOW in what you are doing that is the key.
Every movement we do as humans has organization behind it, even if we are not directly thinking our way through something. Think about the movements you perform on a daily basis without much thought behind them. You walk around your house, brush your teeth, pour beverages, cook, lift bags, etc. All of these items are physical processes that we do naturally as our muscles learned patterns to do so and we can do them rather mindlessly. We can also exercise mindlessly as well. Hence the need to do 100 crunches in the gym or have a “new” machine that solves all the missing links. There is no need to do over 100 crunches when you can exert more work on the abdominal muscles doing 10 with the proper muscular organization and conscious movement. And to think conversely you can “workout” by applying a little muscular organization and conscious movement to your daily tasks.
So, to come full circle. Yes, I have machines in my studio and most likely will have more and I especially love the rockers. But my intention with them is to use them to empower my clients with the muscular organization and consciousness so that once stepping outside of Bodywise their daily activities or sports will benefit from the better organized and strengthened body that we have empowered them with. There is no lacking in anything we have today (and if you know me you know I love advancements), it is just that the answer to fitness lies within each one of us not just the action of going through the motion of exercising. Thus, truly making your Body as Wise as your mind in a mega way!